„The analysis of cultural and creative industries (CCI) Analiza kulturnih i kreativnih industrija Prijedora, Podgorice i Sisačko-moslavačke županije
The analysis of cultural and creative industries (CCI) was conducted within the project “Development cross-border networks of the creative industry – CREATIVE @ CBC “, which is implemented by the Agency for economic development of the city of Prijedor “PREDA-PD” in cooperation with partner organizations / institutions from Podgorica and Sisak. The project is funded by the EU, Interreg IPA cross-border cooperation program Croatia – Bosnia and Herzegovina – Montenegro 2014-2020.
The aim of the project is to create a favorable environment for the development of cultural and creative industries (CCI) and cross-sectoral connections with the IT and traditional industrial sectors. The project too includes infrastructure development and equipping creative centers at target locations (Prijedor, Podgorica, Sisak), as well as the organization of intensive training programs in the field the gaming, web design and multimedia industries, with the ultimate goal of networking CCI on cross-border level.
The focus of the CCI analysis is on actors in this field and on service providers, as well as on opportunities to connect with traditional sectors. CCI actors include public and private legal entities, entrepreneurs, individuals and freelancers who are already active or have potential for professional development in this sector.
Particularly important aspects include the analysis of the economic performance of the identified carriers CCI, as well as considering the approach to knowledge in terms of the existence and availability of formal and non-formal education and skills required to engage in CCI
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