Announcement of a new regional project – Development of Cross-Border Cooperation Network of Creative Industries CREATIVE@CBC

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Announcement of a new regional project – Development of Cross-Border Cooperation Network of Creative Industries CREATIVE@CBC

The regional project “Development of Cross-Border Cooperation Network of Creative Industries CREATIVE@CBC” was designed by leading development organizations in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Montenegro, PREDA, SIMORA and ADP-Zid.

The project is planned to stimulate economic development through support for physical infrastructure and access to knowledge, through new technologies, methodologies to encourage innovative processes and facilitate cross-sectoral links between creative industries and other sectors of the cross-border economy.

The project will encourage the interaction of “creative” communities consisting of groups of companies, individuals, start-up companies, entrepreneurs, developers, free lancers, researchers, students, educational institutions and citizens across borders, concentrating on facilitating the process of developing innovative products and a favor.

During the implementation period (July 2020 – May 2022), the partner cities of Prijedor, Sisak and Podgorica will feel the direct impact of the project activities, while in the long run, the project intends to contribute to the wider cross-border area.

The project is co-financed by ERDF and IPA II funds of the European Union.


Author Since: June 17, 2021